Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Like this or like that???

What should I do right now??

I really couldn’t stand you anymore. Since you have so many dissatisfactions to me, then why don’t you just tell you mother and brother, ask them to make me disappear in front of you.

Why should I stay there, why should I be so patient with you, why should I be so cheap?!!

I’m human also, not that you’re my auntie then I should let you do anything which you think is right. Do you know I seriously very hate you!

Right now, I don’t feel like talking with you; I don’t want to listen to you voice, even you’re not talking with me; I don’t want to listen to your footsteps; I don’t like to see you!!! And I hate you so much!

I know I should forgive people’s fault, just as what God teach us! Forgive means happiness! I know!!! But I just don’t know how to forgive you; you are the alien that I couldn’t accept you!

Almost half a year, how much tears did I dropped just because of you?!!! Why should my tears drop because of you?! Even when I was in US, staying alone, very sad, very depress, I also won’t drop as much tears as I have in this six months.


If it’s not because of my dad, for sure I had leaved this hell place few months ago! I give face to my dad, be patient to you, stand you, and at the end, what did I get? Just a word, non-appreciation!

As I mentioned before, no one appreciate your hard work! In you all opinion, sitting in the office for a long time, everyday OT until 8.30pm, working in public holiday, is the sign of hard work. If I was not assigned a work, should I sit in the office until 8.30pm? If I sit in the office online and play games from 9am to 8.30pm, is that means that I’m very hard working??????

Who trained me as a lazy bug in the office? And at the end who blamed me, why I’m so lazy? Nothing to do is consider lazy, and who is the person who as my leader, didn’t assign a work for me.

Interested of knowing how I pass the day like this?

The worse ‘nothing –to-do’ day! In the morning I get into the office, switch on my computer, then go to have my breakfast. After breakfast, sit in front of my computer, read CNN news, check emails, friendster, facebook, net surfing, and online shopping. After tired of reading the computer, straight away take a nap on my working table, after napping, wake up again, looking at the computer again, until 6pm.

Some of you might think this is a very good life, why don’t I appreciate that?! Try to stand on my side and think, if you were me, is this the day that you want for the rest of your life?

The more I have this kind of life, the more I was de-motivated. My enthusiasm to work had lost just because of this place.I really need a place that can motivate me, I need to achieve my goal, I need to be proud of myself, I want to be the most confident person in this world. Where’s the image that I create for myself? Where’s my dream? Where’s my future?

I want to get rid of this kind of working life! Not even have a feeling that I was working, even though I was wearing a formal wear to work everyday, still couldn’t create this feeling for myself.

How should I explain my feeling to my parents and grandmother? At least if my parents understand me, I will be very glad and satisfied. But the problem is, I don’t even know who is supporting me to make the leaving decision.

I have a very traditional Chinese thought’s family. To continue this kind of life, or to get to a new life, it’s all depends on how powerful am I to change their mind~!!!


Saturday, November 22, 2008


在这特别的夜晚, 突然心血来潮, 把收藏在柜子里已久的盒子, 拿了出来。 虽然柜子是盖住的,但盒子上还是沾了 一层薄薄的灰尘。 把表面的灰尘除掉, 慢慢的把它打开。。。看见了一堆往年朋友给我的来信。。。保存得很好,没有任何损坏,只是信封和信纸有一点变黄的现象!

算一算·看一看, 信封·信纸·邮票, 好像都离现在的我好远好远似的!在我眼里,那一切都成了世上最珍贵的礼物·宝贝!我真的真的好怀念写信·等待和收信的心情。。。那些亲切感,只有可以从对方的笔迹感受到! 现实社会的email, msn....虽然是把距离拉近了,但毕竟还是差那一个“亲切感”。

把盒子里的信翻一翻, 看见了一个非常熟悉且亲切的笔迹。。。那是我小学六年级的级任老师,尤姗姗老师的字体。。。我和老师,自小学毕业之后,一直都有通信。。。一直到Form 4, 一切都停止了!大家都开始了愈来愈忙碌的生活,渐渐的就失去联络了。。。

  • 为自己找借口的人,永远都不会进步
  • 不要太依赖别人的掌声来肯定自己,而是充实自己,做好自己,用自己的目标来肯定自己
  • 有时候生活不在我们控制范围之内,但这也好,至少会有个意外的惊喜
  • 只要尽了力· 问心无愧, 一切都已经不重要了
  • 不要多愁善感,人要活的快乐点,活在当下前脚走了一步, 后脚就要放开,所以要快乐的向前走,那才是生活
  • PMR只是一个路障需爬过,接着还有好多好多的人生路要继续,所以考好是勉励,考差了就是一个教训,从错误中学习,总之,尽了力,听天命!别气馁!
  • 学业比活动重要,把时间放在那儿,成绩才是最好的报酬
“一个人如果不懂自己,不认识自己,那是最悲哀的;因为当他在最落魄的当儿,只有他自己才能扶起他自己来活!” (她把她的毕业感言与我分享了)

你的每一句金言,都在我生命中扮演了非常重要的角色。。。十年前的句子,用在十年后,还是那么的贴切。。。这可真所谓: “话不怕老,最重要是管用”!





我永远都不会忘记那一年,1997 年,北海中华中校,6B班!班上的每一个情节,每位同学的名字·长相。。。一切都历历在目!我真的好怀念你们

p/s: 重读后,发现了很多错字,所以把它们给改了!希望再也没有错误了吧!要不然啊,如果老师有机会看到的话,一定会“晕掉”。哈哈哈!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Date Of Birth shows yr Nature

Today I read an email sent by my colleague, Estine, based on the title shown above:

Though the answer was very general, but its quite accurate

I was born on 2nd of May, doubt..

And here's the result:

Age in years
Age in months 282
Age in days 8568
Age in hours 205623
Age in minutes 12337391
Age in seconds 740243485
Age in Milli seconds 74024348489
Age in weeks 59973
You born on Thusday


* Stubborn and hard-hearted

* Strong-willed and highly motivated

* Sharp thoughts

* Easily angered

* Attracts others and loves attention
* Deep feelings

* Beautiful physically and mentally
* Firm standpoint

* Easily influenced

* Needs no motivation

* Easily consoled

* Systematic (left brain)

* Loves to dream

* Strong clairvoyance

* Understanding

* Sickness usually in the ear and neck
* Good imagination

* Good debating skills

* Good physical

* Weak breathing

* Loves literature and the arts

* ! Loves traveling

* High spirited

* Spendthrift

Monday, October 13, 2008

Do you know how much I hate you!!!

I've been working for four and a half month, everyday was a 'nightmare' for me!

I thought I could change you before I came back for work. I understand your situation, and I know how you feel, but you never allow people to walk into your heart! You never trust anyone and never never be supportive! I've heard lots of negative opinions about you, but I never being influence by them!

Things began to change since the first day I step into this office!
All the facts push me to believe that those negative opinions are more than true!

Days after days, everyday I have to work under a stressful condition. Those stress is not work load's stress, but the stress given by you, emotionally and mentally stress!

Nowadays, I realized that, I was not able to talk with you anymore. Not that I cannot speak, but I really don't feel like talking with you. In addition to that, I also don't feel like listening to your voice. I felt very frustrated and impatient to talk and listen to you.

Why everything will become like that? How am I going to continue working in such an environment and condition?! What should I do?

You said why I don't want to use my brain...
But have you ever think of, who made me don't like to use my brain.
When I was new to work, I was very enthusiast and motivated to work hard, learn hard, and try hard to change the office old system. I know I can do it. But every time I tried to work on my own way (not that that way is wrong or something changing too much), for sure you will say NO. You want everyone to follow your way, your old way, they way that never change for so many years.

Please la....last time 10 cents can buy a bowl of noodle, nowadays a bowl of noodle cost you more than RM3, 30 times of previous days! Do you think you use your '10 cents method' is competitive enough with nowadays '300 cents' market?

Those people who don't work with you always think that you have lots of work to do, everyday also OT, do until no time for entertainment, until no time for rest... But all of these were your own choice, and you are not efficient enough! Why are those developed western countries so advanced and so competitive in the market? Why are they the leader of the world economic? and have you ever seen they always OT until no time for entertainment and not time for rest?? The time is owned by yourself, how you arrange and manage your time, its all about yourself!

In order to success in one's job, we need to be effective and efficient! But both you also don't have! You always OT, but still, you cannot submit you work on the due date most of the time! Always left everything for the last minute, and when you couldn't finish them, you will show your face and temper to people beside you. Have you ever think of people's feeling? Do you know that how stress are they? For you to complete a statement or just a simple letter, you need to go through so many steps, not that all steps are necessary, sometimes you can just skip some unnecessary steps when you were in rush or lack of time!

Things can be done easily, but you want to make it so complicated! Steps that's so easy to explain, but you want to explain it in a complicated way! When people's don't understand your explanation, for sure will double confirm with you, but you will show your temper to them when they ask you again! You are always right and others are always wrong! You are the most holy people in this world, only your minds are clean and your thoughts are most right! Everything that's against your mind are wrong and need to be punish! You are so special because no one in this world is the same as you!

And one thing I would like to mention, you are not always right, you are human as well, human of course will made some mistakes. But no one dare to point out your mistakes because everyone treat you as the 'king' of the world! Say frankly, you are just an over-pampered children, and your mindset and emotion are just the same as those children!

I just can say, working under you, I will just become the laziest and most useless person in the world! Is that the life that I wish to have???

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Facts to accept

I did mentioned in my previous post about "I can't take any alcoholic drinks anymore"

The reason for that is because I've got a disease called HYPERTHYROIDISM.

There were a lot of symptoms for this disease, but I didn't know that its hyperthyroidism. At first I thought I got Anemia because I will feel dizzy, tired, hand-shake, fast heart-beat (sometimes feels like heart attack) and some other symptoms that make me thought I have Anemia. This situation last for more than a month, and those symptoms became more obvious and serious.

To check out whether I really have Anemia, I had decided to have a full body check-up in hospital, and this should be my first ever body check. Two days before I went to the hospital, I told my parents my actual conditions because I need their advice in which hospital should I go. My mum was thinking much more than me or maybe she have a better understanding and experience on my symptoms. She was suspecting I might have high-blood pressure or diabetes.
My mum advised me to seek consultation from local clinic first before I went to the hospital.

On the 1st day of August, I went to Dr. Ng's clinic (clinic that I normally visit when I was not feeling well) to have some advices from the expert. I told him I have a severe hand-shake, he double checked, (he began to suspect I have hyperthyroidism) and then he checked my blood pressure and heart beat, guess what, my heart beats 138 times per mins. For your information, normal adult heart beat's rate is between 72-80 per mins. I seriously couldn't believe that, and Dr. Ng told me that my heart is going to jump out from my body, even after excercise, normal people's heart also won't beat that fast. Without delay, he told me that he must immediately send my blood to the lab for testing. Things came too sudden, I seriously not prepared to know this. I asked Dr. Ng if I have Anemia or high-blood pressure, he said my blood pressure is very normal.

Things that you expect to happen did not happen, but things that you never thought of it happen suddenly in front of you. This make me believe that, life's really unpredictable, we must appreciate what we have right now.

As planned, I went to Loh Guan Lye Specialist on the next morning. I wanted to ignore what Dr. Ng said yesterday and have normal body check today. But the nurse adviced me to pay attention on my thyroid, and let's see what the doctor will say. I was arranged to meet with Dr. Na, the same procedure as what I did in Dr. Ng's clinic. When he wanted to take my blood again, I told him I had already 'donate' my blood yesterday, and I will get the report on the 5th of August. He said he couldn't do anything at the moment until the test report came out, but if I still worry about it, he can arrange for me the untra-sound scan. Of course, I would take the scanning as I was really curious: what's inside my neck?

Guess What!!?Another surprising fact occured! The ultra-sound's doctor showed me two tumors in my thyroid through the monitor (live); one big one small! and they were moving! I was really shocked to see that, seriously! He didn't tell me what to do with them, but asked me to wait for Dr. Na see what he will say!When I leave the X-ray room, I tried to touch softly over my neck, there's really something moving in it, I can feel it!

After the report was done, I went back to Dr. Na's room again and see what is he going to say about these tumors. Say frankly, he didn't really mentioned anything about my tumors. I asked him, do I need to cut it off, he said no need; I asked him, is it dangerous, he tell me do not worry; I asked him, what types of tumors are they and why are they there, he didn't really answering my questions. Say the truth, his answers made me lost confident to him, or maybe he's very expert, once look at your face and according to your symptoms, he will know how to treat you. But on patient side, he will not be my good doctor. As a patient, I think I have the right to know everything about myself.

I reached Loh Guan Lye on 8.30am; my turn to meet Dr. Na on 9.30am; my turn for untra-sound scanning on 10.30am; wait for the scanning report until 11.30pm; only managed to leave on 12.30pm. I spent the whole morning sitting and waiting in the hospital, and I know this is very normal.

I get my report from Dr. Ng on 5th of August, and was certified that I have hyperthyroidism. Normal people's thyroid hormones is between 64-167, but the report shown that my hormones level was 335! Double of the normal people!

The only things I can do right now is to take pills twice a day! Two types of pills were taken everyday, 6 tablets (per day) of Carbimazole to control the thyroid hormones level, and another 2 tablets of....(don't know the name) to control my heart beat! Dr. Ng told me that I have to keep taking those pills continuously for 2 years, and I have to go back to 'visit' him every month!

Symptoms that I have:
Unable to concentrate
Anxiety and nervousness
Increase appetite
Muscle ache
Intolerance to heat
Weak memory
Severe hand-shake
Shortness of breath
Weight loss
Unable to raise my leg

Things cannot do:
Cannot take any beverage that is too strong such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol drink, etc.
Over stress
Over active

Things must do:
Rest more and control own's emotions
Take more foods which contains of iodine, such as seafood, seaweed, etc.

If you would like to know more about Hyperthyroidism, you can search through Google.... a lot of information is available on the websites now!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September Babies....

September seems to be a very happening month, as many babies were born in this special month.

03/09: Shirlene Lee
07/09: Jojo Looi
09/09: Lai Yng Jiun
16/09: Teoh Huan Jie, my little brother
17/09: Teoh Soon Thing, my cousin
18/09: Teoh Ee Ronn, my cousin
19/09: Cheng Yong Chian, Tan Lynn Say
20/09: Teo Pern Fong, Wen Xin Mo
27/09: Bobo Siow

I guess I did missed out some name on the list, but still....its happening enough...

Happy Birthday to all of you! And all the best in studies n works!

Friday, September 5, 2008


最近一直听到人与人之间的感情问题, 发现其实人的感情实在是很脆弱的。。。



这句话虽然老土了一点,但意义非常的深刻。 现时社会的人,为了追求名利,可以不顾一切,向着目标勇往直前。 所谓的目标,可以是金钱、地位、生活伙伴、荣华富贵等等。在这‘追求’的过程中,失去的往往比获得来的多。没有什么比时间来得珍贵,时间才是我们这一生真正拥有的‘荣华富贵’。‘有得必有失’,在你打拼的同时,失去的可能是自由、娱乐、爱情、亲情、友情等。人人都说,钱是万能!对,钱是万能! 但,话有规定-多少钱才是万能呢?一千万也是钱,一块钱也是钱!那些钱万不万能,在于你如何运用它!一块钱有一块钱的过生活,一千万有一千万的过生活,关键就在---你满足吗?想也知道,人是不会嫌钱多!可以拥有越多越好!就说有一天,你终于拥有取之不尽,用之不绝的钱,拥有庞大的房子,几百部名贵房车。。。试问,你身边又有多少人可以与你分享这一切?走在街上,看见人家拖着一家大小,开开心心的逛街。。。到头来你只得到两个字 : 空虚!!!你,只是一个人,一个人,给你再大的房子,你也只可能霸占房子里面的一个小角落;一个人,给你再多的车子,你也只有一双手!钱,只要能足够一个人的起居饮食,就已经足够了!太多太多,有时候是一种多余,也是一种负担! 同样的,做每一件事情都要适可而止,太极端,反而会弄巧反拙。(比如: 为了身材苗条而极端的减肥,到最后,只会把自己的身体弄坏!让你得到了苗条的身躯,但就失去了原本的健康。严重则失去了自我!如果有机会让你再重来一次,你会选择同样的路还是另一条路?)





Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Continuation for the month of July

The month of July was considered one of the most meaningful and busiest month for me... I still have a little to wrote about it. :)

On the 3rd week of July, I had my first ever 'actual' OT (Over-time) for my current job. I worked together with my colleagues until 1am, which was unbelievable...I know! And, this situation continue for more than a week. Do not forget, that was the week when friends started to visit me (in previous post) in Penang. I can't imagine I could went through this kind of 'non-stop' life, its tiring, but meaningful...I love it.

Picture taken without noticed!!!
But still have to thanks to my colleague for taking this natural picture.
I didn't know how I look like when I was working.
What do you think? (I felt myself very chubby)

Very luckily, I have a chance to join the celebration of the 5th Anniversary for my company. Although it was a simple celebration, but it's very happy when came to the event that can gather, eat and drink. And more happily, of course was Karaoke. We went to Karaoke right after the dinner. From 8pm to 3am, I have drank 3-5 glasses of red wine, and, the same glasses of Carlsberg's beer!!! But Bobo Siow, I still can stand and walk.....hahaha...very conscious...and my little brother kept complaining my body was full of 'scent' of alcohol !!!

(But very sadly, I couldn't have any alcoholic beverages from now on! This maybe the last time for me to drink so crazily!...I will mention more details about this on the next post!)

Happy Birthday to you H.S.A!!!
Wish you long life, stay healthier, and keep growing!!!

My colleagues

One final thing to mention, I had finally received my Bachelor's certification from Western Michigan University!!! I was so touched when I first holding the folder, before opening it!
Finally, after so many years of hard works, after sacrificing so many things, I had received this paper! How much it means to others I don't care; but it did means a lot to me!!! This certificate means not only the academics, but what I have experienced and learned in the US!!!

Western Michigan University was the place that I felt myself valuable! Thank you to everyone over there, especially the lecturers (I know you won't read this, but still I want to shout it to the world), thanks for appreciating my hard works, your words motivated me to walk through till the end!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hello everyone~~~

I just realized that I had have more than a month didn't update my blog. I know some people kept enter my site with the hope to see a new entry. But they always leave with disappointment. I know! :) Let me apologize to you guys with my sincere heart!

What happened to me for this whole month?! Where have I been?!
one word can explain everything : BUSY

For the month of July, I have 3 groups of friends from different parts of the country came to visit me at Penang:

1. 15-17/07/08 : Yng Jiun (Petaling Jaya)
2. 18-20/07/08 : Siao Hui (Klang), Pei Yee (Bkt. Jalil), Choon Yee (Muar), Ji Wey (J. Bahru)
3. 25-27/07/08 : Bobo Siow, Gin Gin (K. Pilah), Li Wen (Taiwan), Jojo (K. Lumpur), Wei Ling & Justin(if I didn't forget..haha)( P. Jaya)

My job and responsibility as a local was to be their tour guide, introducing Penang's attractions and of course, FOODS. I have to make sure they gained at least 2 kgs when they leave here, and this means they have visited "The Paradise of Foods". Besides feeding them, myself also gained some weight, and I know, its not good to be Penang's tour guide....hahaha.....

wait....I haven't finish yet...

But if is my friend, gained even more weight will also worth it. Because I enjoyed the times we hang out together. Friends, you all are very very welcome to visit me in Penang, "what you get is more than what you give". Hahaha!

Yngjiun and me @ QE II

Siaohui, Peiyee, Me and Choonyee @ Kek Lok Si - 1

Choonyee, Siaohui, Me and Peiyee @ Kek Lok Si - 2

Choonyee, Soonthing, Peiyee, Siaohui, Me, Yihwen, Jiwey, Hangguan
and the photographer-Jeongjeong
@ Tao Lounge, Auto City

Jojo, Bobo and Me @ Air Itam

Justin, Weiling, Me, Jojo, Bobo, Liwen & Gingin on the Ferry

On the 27/07/08, my cousin invite me to her dad's (local) fruits farm. I had rejected her invite for twice, and I were to reject her again, because I was suppose to meet Bobo & Wei Ling them again on that day. But she said, that will be the last chance to visit the farm as the Durians' season was ending. I wanted to visit the farm so badly since very last time, with no choice, I have to sacrifice my time with my friends in Penang that day. (Sorry WeiLing & Bobo, sorry for not accompanying you guys for the last day of the trip, but I do hope you guys enjoyed the days in Penang.)

I and my uncle was the driver of the day. My car have 7 peoples and my uncle's car have 6 people, with the total of 13 people going to the farm. We drove about one and a half hour until we reached there. the farm is located at Baling.

The air over there was very refreshing as it was located on the hill. Guess what, I ate lots of durians on that afternoon (as my lunch), and all of them taste extremely perfect. It has been a long time since I last enjoyed durians on that way. Tell you guys frankly, I'm Durian's super supporter.

This durian is bigger than my head. I guess it taste really nice too.

Tips: Durian can only be eatan if it drop by itself from the tree.
so, if you trying to steal the durians from the farm, make sure you
do not pluck it from the tree, but pick the one on the floor.
when you are walking in the durian's farm, make sure you don't
walk under the durian's trees. You should know what will happened
even though I don't mention here. :)

Rambutan's Tree....
It taste very good and fresh as I pluck and eat it straightaway.
I felt so natural when I was there, I pluck and eat,
then throw the skin and seeds just everywhere I like.
Do you think you can do it at your home???

My cousin told me that my mum must take picture with this
cempedak (when it was still little) everytime she visited here.
And now, it had already grow that big.

Alright, time to bed. Still have to work tomorrow.

To be continue..............

Sunday, July 6, 2008

No one appreciate your hardwork and effort

What I worried before I began my current job had finally became a truth!

I have been working in current company for about a month. After a month, I can just award myself a word: STUPID! My certificate was just a piece of rubbish!

no one cares what CGPA you get; no one cares what achievements you get; no one cares how many honor societies you joined; no one cares if you graduated as honor student or not; no one cares how many robes you have on your neck during your graduation; no one cares how stress were you when you were student; no one cares how you gone through your life by your own; no one cares about one cares.......


How do you feel when no one appreciate your efforts and hardwork!?

忍辱偷生- courage from KhaiChian, thank you for your understanding.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Updates for the past 2 weeks

I can't believe that it was almost a week since I last touched my laptop (means I never switch it on). Two years ago, I used to talk to the class that I couldn't live without laptop, and now, I'm still alive after a week.

But actually, there's reason for this special situation: BUSY! BUSY! and BUSY!

Life after back to Malaysia was WORKING, SLEEPING, EATING! And of course, I will pull out some extra time for family and friends. I believe that every human can live without anything, but not family and friends, at least for myself.

Meeting Form 6 friends @ Sushi King, Auto City
From left: Me, LayKiat, BoonYean (and the photographer: SzeLing)

I went to KL last Wednesday for 5 days 4 nights! The main purpose for this trip was sending my cousin, SoonThing to Ampang's US Embassy for the Visa's interview session. Besides that, of course, things to do in KL: Shopping and Eating!

We ate a lot and shop a lot!

Places we shopped:
The Garden, Mid Valley, Pavilion, 1 Utama, Sunway Pyramid, Subang Parade, Klang Jaya Jusco.

Restaurants we visited:
Fatty Crab @ Taman Megah (Crab and Chicken Wings)
Ah Sang Bak Kut Teh @ Sungei Way
Tai Thong @ Mid Valley
Living Restaurant @ Uptown Damansara (Lam Mee)
Toast Box @ Pavilion
The Italianese @ 1 Utama
Asian and Indian Restaurant @ Sunway Pyramid (forget the name already, hahaha)
记得食 @ SS2 (Desserts)
Sri Melur @ USJ 17 (Roti Canai)
日满 @ Klang

Besides shopping and eating, there's another place that I must visit once I'm in KL:

Neway Karaoke
We went to the one at SS17 (as corrected by WeiLing) on Thursday night with Gut Ming, from 7.30pm-11.30pm! I like Neway more than Redbox obviously! But in Penang, I got no choice, hahaha! We also have our dinner there on that night. Taste good!

Other than that, my aunt celebrate her daughter also my god daughter, Zoe's birthday on Saturday at McDonald, SS15! Happy Birthday Zoe!

Not many pictures were taken in this trip! Or I can say, not many pictures were taken since I came back from US! Maybe when I was in US, I was not the person who responsible to bring camera. Haha! I was over 'pampered' by Bobo, jojo, WeiLing, ChoonYee, Wendy, Henry, and other camera owners!

Dinner @ Italianese, 1 Utama
From Left: GutMing and Me
Foods: Shrimp Linguine, Classic Pizza (taste very good!)

See this 'Tam Chiak Po'

Dinner @ Asian & Indian Restaurant, Sunway Pyramid
Foods: Garlic Naan, Tandoori Chicken, TomYam HorFun (Taste very nice!)

P/S: Wei Ling and other friends in KL, not I don't want to meet you all when I was there, I wanted to, but my time really limited. Most of my time in KL was not owned by myself. I know you all will understand me. Sorry everyone. I'm looking forward for another chance to meet you all!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!! June 16's Babies

Today was consider as one of the big day!!!

3 peoples I know are going to celebrate their birthday today, June 16!!!

1. My eldest brother, Huan Shim
2. My cousin, Chou Fen
3. My friend, Siao Hui Low

Wish you all have an unforgettable birthday this year, and all the best, either in works or studies!

Hair Cut Finally~~~

After almost a year, I had my haircut on last Saturday finally.

Looks better right after the hairstylist set it
This picture was taken after few hours I leave the saloon
The blowing, spraying, waxing, styling all gone...

I get moderate comment, on average, from others on this hairstyle. Some said its nice, some said it looks weird. Some said the previous hair style suit me more; and some said this one better. While for myself, I have a neutral rating on it.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm back again!!!hahaha

People kept complaining why I don't have new entry for such a long time!!! Hahaha, sorry everyone!!!

Here I upload some pictures of my life after back in penang. Seriously, not many pictures were taken since I came back!

Cute Baby!!!

Promise, entry about my working life will be here very soon!!!hahaha

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sharp increase in Petrol Price

Crude Oil price in United States has just begun to drop, and on the other side of the globe, Malaysia, the Prime Minister announced at 5pm today: the petrol price will increase 78 cents to RM2.70 per liter, while diesel will increase RM1 to RM2.58 per liter!!! This announcement is effective at 12am on June 05, 2008.

I believed that this sudden change will affect a lot of people in this countries, and of course, the company that I work with will affected badly as well. If normally you paid RM60 for a full tank; after the price increased, you will have to pay RM84 for a full tank! A total increase of 40%!!! While diesel had increased about 63%! That's a lot!

After the announcement, people have 7 hours to fill in their tank at the petrol price of RM1.92! Can you imagine what happen to all the gas station in these 7 hours?! Of course, the owner of the gas station will have extremely high profit at today's closing! On the other side, everyone was queuing at the petrol station and causes traffic to jam badly!

Who benefit the most in this case??

I am waiting for what will happen next!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pre-work Feeling

The next stage of my life is coming soon.

People said working is very boring, not fun...etc...But I don't know why, I already get excited about working life since the beginning of this year. Until today, I'm still very excited about it and getting very nervous as the day comes near. My excitement is my biggest motivation for work, I hope it will stay there forever, and work out something special.

Tomorrow going to be my first official work day after getting my degree. The feeling was so different before and after graduated! Right now, you have to prove to others, what you have learned in university these years. What's so special about yourself than others non-university graduate? What's so special about overseas graduates and local graduates? If you're unable to prove the unique side of yourself, then your certificate is just the same as toilet paper.

I want to let my parents know that they are not wasting money on a toilet paper, but something unique from me that they couldn't get from anywhere!

Good Luck SoonHan!!!

p/s: Finally I had overcome my traffic-phobia, and managed to drive quite smoothly today! Somemore in Penang Island! And I realized that the roads here are really narrow compare with US's one!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Finally! My Lovely Home

After more than 20 hours flight (one and a half day including transit time), I had finally touched down at Penang International Airport (PEN) on 9.20am.
SoonThing (my cousin) come over to pick me up and the first thing to do after this was, of course, having my whole time favorite: Penang Char Koay Teow!

Typical Penang Kopitiam
I almost faint inside the kopitiam as it was very hot!!!and its hard to breath!!!

Milo Ais with Char Koay Teow (my all time favorite)

See how satisfied am I!!!

After this, we proceeded to our second stop: Red Box, Gurney Plaza!!!

I felt I was a bit outdated as I don't know what song to sing!
I felt a bit waste to sing old song in Red Box!
And I don't know any new song also!
So, SoonThing sang there most of the time!

We leave Penang Island at 2pm and headed back to Butterworth, the place I stay!

Our third stop, my future working place. I spent almost 2 hours there to walk around and chit chat with family and friends.

At 5pm, I was feeling very hungry. So, we headed to Old Town Kopitiam to have something to eat.

Ipoh Hor Fun and Ximut Milk Tea! NICE!

And after this long day, I have a chance to step in my lovely house finally.

What's my feeling of the day?

1) I was still confused with the traffic direction, and I always get into the wrong side of the car.

2) The traffic in Penang was very horrible!I kept asking my cousin to "drive slowly, I'm not rush!"

3) The weather here (82 Fahrenheit) was better than the Summer in Michigan, but still, its very hot! I kept turning the air-con to maximum while I was in the car, and my cousin was complaining that she was very cold! Once I reached home, I have my room's air-con switch to 16 degree celcius with maximum fans! Luckily, there was rain in the afternoon that makes the weather cooler!

4) Mosquitoes love me, I know! I was thinking to watch TV in my living room at the evening, but I cannot sit there peacefully as the stupid mosquitoes kept 'kissing' me! I have 4 love bites in 10 minutes!

5) Having maids at home were such a good thing! I don't have to carry my heavy luggages by my own; I can eat directly whenever I feel hungry; I don't need to wash dishes after using them; I don't have to clean up my room;.......and many more....

6) I kept thinking myself was still in Michigan, as when I msn with WeiLing and YngJiun (who are now in Malaysia), I thought that they have opposite time zone with me. At 8pm (M'sia time) I wanted to asked WeiLing, "why are you waking up so early?" and she scolded me "crazy"!

7) I thought I will be very desperate in having all Malaysian foods once I reached here. But things were out of my expectation as I don't really have appetite for foods on this day! Well, that should be fine as I'm still going to have a long time over here!

8) Finally I have all the familiar Penang accents around me! I'm not an alien anymore!haha...

Wish everything will run smoothly, especially in my new work environment!

I'm very hungry!!!!

I woke up at 5am and its 8am now!!!

I feel very very very super hungry now!!!

Ah ma, faster come back with the breakfast.......

p/s: I will update entries about last few days later after my breakfast... I'm seriously very hungry! :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last Blog in Kalamazoo

Its very hard to describe my feeling right now!
I wanted to cried out loudly, but I can't!
I wanted to go back happily, but I can't!
I was just stuck in the middle.

It is 1.46am (28 May 2008) now, and I'm almost done in packing my stuffs. I hate weight limits. I kept take in and take out my stuffs from those luggages, weighted the baggages using my weight scale, just to ensure that I didn't have overweight baggages. I can feel my back bone was hurt.

I'm going to have morning flight tomorrow. Jojo and Bobo are going to send me to AZO Airport at 7.30am. Its going to be a tired and long journey for me.

Last but not least, I really want to say THANK YOU to Wendy and Henry, came all the way from Saginaw once again just to hang out with me for the final time. I really have great moments with you guys. (More about today's activities will be here soon!)

When I was about to complete this entry at 2.30am, Henry and Wendy msn me, and Wendy successfully made my (official first) tears drop uncontrollably. Its hard to describe the feeling, really hard.

Thanks for loving me so much...I'll never forget
I miss you guys!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Gathering in Kalamazoo

Just had my last gathering with friends in Kalamazoo last night. Though there were just six of us , but I really enjoyed it and have a lot of funs. Thank you everyone for giving me those great times. I will definitely miss it.

Venue : Bo & Jo House
Date : 25 May 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 6.30pm-4.00am
Guests of the day: Bobo Siow, Jojo Looi, YiChing Koh, ChoonYee Tan, JiWey Lee

Our party style was potluck. Everyone was suppose to bring one dish and then we can share them together. ChoonYee and JiWey brought us Bak Kut Teh, YiChing have fried rice, Jojo have Pizza, Bobo have Wal-Mart Fried Chicken, and for myself, I have my all time favorite, eggs with marinated vegetables (菜脯煎蛋). In addition to that, I did have three special stuffs for this gathering, which you will know later.

Guests: Jojo, Bobo, Me, Choonyee, Jiwey
Half way of eating

In addition to 5 on the previous picture, here's another guest: YiChing
ChoonYee's favorite: be our background...haha


Not to forget, our KTV session
I will miss this a lot, I know!

Nacho, I know you're cute, but still, I'm not dare to get near you, Sorry!
Congratulations, you don't have to being isolated ever after.

Special 1:
Fireworks that I bought from Meijer
Though it was a bit stupid, but we still enjoyed it...hahaha

Bobo worried I will used the firework to shoot her...haha...see she kept holding my hand

I love the effects... thanks to the photographer, Jojo

May our futures will spark more than these

Special 2:
Chardonnay with fruits

Nice wine, and I love it very much
Perfect match with all glasses...haha

Cheers everyone~! All the best!

Special 3:
Fruit Jelly as dessert
Thanks for loving it

Mahjong until 4am
I will miss this also...*sigh*

Pity Nacho~~~
While we were partying, it was alone in the cage

Thank you everyone for this unforgettable night. Hope we will have chance to get together again in the future. I will miss you all~~~!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another tired day

Went to Charter this afternoon to transfer the account to HangGuan, then to T-Mobile to stop my phone service.

At first, the T-mobile officer told me that I can still use my phone number until the end of my billing cycle, which is next Monday. To make sure that I do not have to come back for the second time, I check my phone by trying to call ChoonYee on spot, but I found out that I couldn't make a call out (its kind of under my expectation as I didn't feel shock or angry once I know that). Immediately, I show that error to that person, and he said: "I don't know why they cancel it now.......bla bla bla..." I was like "its okay, don't worry about that". I don't feel like arguing with them since that I was very used to the customer service here (people who have the same experience will know)... So people, I had officially close down my phone number in US today. Only thing I have in mind after this case was, "you guys are really very EFFICIENT"

At about 10pm, those crazy people (YiChing, HangGuan, ChoonYee, JiWey) that I always hang out in Kalamazoo were very energetic and they suggested to go Bowling. So, without delay, we departed to the Bowling Center at Stadium Drive and stay there until they closed (1.30am). Within these 3 hours, we had completed 6 games. I still cannot feel the pain in my hand right now, but I know that tomorrow I'm going to have deep feeling in it.

Still remember when I first visit the Bowling Center, there was only our group for the whole day. But I was shocked when I visited it again as the lanes were almost fully occupied. And of course, Kalamazoo is a small city, we met a lot of friends in there. Another new thing I saw was, the Center will turn into "Disco" at about 11.30pm, all lights were turn off and only the disco light and 'glow in the dark' things were used to show us the way. The feeling was very fresh and good, and unexpectedly, I became more energetic to 'bowl' under this dark condition (that's the motivation that make me completed all 6 games in a row). The only thing that I didn't like was the smoky room.

Met Irsalina (my first Malaysian classmate for Finance classes)

The show hasn't end yet after the Bowling. We continue Mahjong in my house for an hour until everyone feels so exhausted. And for me, after everything, I'm still here, writing this blog entry until 3.12am.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Days with sick stomach

After long hibernation since last Saturday, I thought myself was too tired... after that my stomach was not feeling good, lots of air in it... until today, I know that I'm not just having upset stomach, but going to fever soon. I should know since last Saturday that I'm going to fever since my head was feeling heavy for the whole day, and feeling very tired though I've slept a lot.

My stomach right now was as big as having "5 months baby" in it, of course what I have inside my stomach was not a life but a whole bunch of air, and this air keep "playing drum" and "running around" inside my stomach that make me feel so uncomfortable.

Beside feeling uncomfortable, I lost my appetite as well. I went out to have dinner with Bobo and Jojo just now, thought that I was getting better today and should start to have normal meal, but I just have 3-4 spoons of rice, and then I felt like vomiting. Normally if I went to Hunan, I will have at least one full bowl of rice, but this time, I couldn't even finished 20% of the rice.

Thanks to Bobo Siow for bringing me some pills to relieve my crazy stomach. And I did apply some traditional "black wind oil" on my stomach once I went home. Hopefully tomorrow I will at least feel better than today.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tired after Tired

I was having a real hibernation today! I slept at 2am this morning, and woke up at 1pm. After that I started to unpack everything I shopped, and pack them into my luggage. One luggage is full for now, and I still haven't actually clean up my room. Hopefully I really don't have that much stuffs to bring back.

Then at about 5pm, my head was feeling so heavy and I went to bed again. Woke up at 7.30pm, but still not feeling very well.

And its 9pm now, I'm feeling tired again. I think I'm going to bed. Must have enough rest, or else, for sure I'm not going to enjoy Cedar Point (The Best Amusement Park in the World) tomorrow.


I'm very very very tired....

Went to shopping at Prime Outlet, Birch Run with ChoonYee, SiaoHui, and JJ Goh....

Shops a lot again today, and of course, spending a lot of money again!

Stop being SHOPOHOLIC!

Friday, May 16, 2008


我家里每个人都醉昏昏的, 个个都不舍得回家;还呆在我的房间,搞到整间房间都是酒味!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Graduation Day on April 26, 2008- Part 1

It has been two weeks over since my graduation ceremony, and it was too happening during this period that seems to slowly flush away my memory and excitement on that big day. With that, I have decided to write down those remaining feelings that I have right now immediately.

Let’s start with the day before the commencement. I and Hang Guan have a so called “Birthday Party” on Friday night, but due to some facts, we changed it to a normal end of the semester celebration. Because we thought it seems to be too early to celebrate our birthday (we didn’t want to get old that fast). Either was birthday party or normal party, it’s still a party… and we enjoyed ourselves very much on that night.
(Sorry for making this party’s entry short, as the main topic was about the graduation)

I know I slept very late on that night and didn’t sleep well, seeing that I was too nervous about the next day. I kept worrying my schedule for tomorrow, because it going to be extremely busy and tired day for me.

Woke up at about 7.30am, and get ready to fight for the full day.

First thing to do for today, was to pick up our rental car (for road trip) from Enterprise at offsite AZO Airport. One stupid thing I did this morning that couldn’t be washing away from my brain, was making a wrong morning call. I was supposed to call Zoe Liam, but I called Zoe Lai. I kept asking her to wake up (for about 3 minutes) until Zoe Lai spoke out “Soon Han, why are you calling me and keep talking things that I don’t understand.” Following sentence appeared in my mind immediately, “Oh Sxxx, Im calling the wrong person.” I faster apologized and hang up the phone. What an embarrassing beginning of the day. (I felt funny once I think back nowadays…hahaha) (Zoe Lai kept laughing at me with this mistake)After this incident, I kept worrying another embarrassing thing will happen on me again, such as… fall down on the stage while I’m walking out to receive diploma, etc.

At about 9.30am, I went to Bobo’s house to have my final make up. But seems like they (Bobo and Wei Ling) were more nervous than me- make up, dress up….until don’t have enough time for breakfast.

At 10.30am, I met up with Wendy and Henry, who came all the way from Saginaw (3 hours driving distance), at Bobo’s house. It was such a long time since I last met them, and the feeling was still as good as before, even better, once I see them again. Thank you both for coming, and I was so touched when I was informed that you guys are coming.

Wendy and Henry sent me to school (sounds like I’m their child) at 11am because I have to be in the graduates’ crowd 45 minutes before the ceremony starts.

The admission ticket for Haworth College of Business Commencement Exercise

Too much liquid in my body, as a result of lack of rest

Swollen eye and face

Before the commencement begin

Flowers contributed by Wendy and Henry

Wendy was trying to fix my tassels

Looks like awarding something for me (such a meaningful picture)

Wendy Chien

Henry Hsiung

Warming up by taking lots of pictures before the commencement

Having 2 tassels were way too heavy for my cap as commented by Wendy, don’t you notice that my cap was slightly downwards on my left.

So, I’ve decided just to have the blue one for the ceremony.

Before entering Shaw Theater for short briefing

“I pray everything will run smoothly later”

“I pray I will not fall down on the stage”

“I pray…..I pray…”

After entering the Shaw Theater, I get my name tag and stand aside to wait for the short briefing. At the same time, I met Dr. Duke Leingpibul and have a short conversation with him. He was my nice and knowledgeable lecturer of class BUS 3750 (Production and Service Productivity). At first I was still wondering, whether to greet him or not, because it was more than a year since I last taken his class, maybe he had forgotten me. But after a few seconds, as a manner, I think I should greet him and try to remind him about myself. When I wanted to do so, he turned back and greets me first. He remembered everything, including my name and country of origin; he also remembered that he used to waive me from taking final exam in his class. In conclusion, he has good memory. Before we end our conversation, he asked me to look for him on stage later, so that he can give me a hug. What a good and friendly lecturer! I would definitely take his class again if I have chance in the future.

Besides meeting Dr. Duke, I met both of my group members, Aaron and Francel, and other classmates as well. I met Whitney in the briefing room and sat beside her. Both of us kept telling each other that we were very nervous, and started to talk about our future. While we were preparing to go on the real stage, I met Derek Lee and I quickly asked him come over to stand behind me. It’s good to have someone you know to go on stage with you, as if something goes wrong, someone will remind or help you.

The path from Shaw Theater to Miller Auditorium was kind of long. My heartbeat was getting faster and faster as I approach the backstage of Miller Auditorium. Once I heard the music from the Orchestra, my heartbeat and my nervousness boost up. The high point was when the stage light shines on my face, and I saw a whole bunch of people sitting right in front of me, screaming and cheering. I was trying to look for 10 of my friends (Wendy, Henry, WeiLing, Bobo, Jojo, HangGuan, ChoonYee, JiWey, SiokYee, and MengChun) who were in the auditorium.

7 out of 10, those left out in this picture are Wendy, Henry, and MengChun

My eye kept rolling and my head kept turning around and around, what I have in my eyes was thousands and millions of heads, I couldn’t see any familiar faces. At last I gave up, I will let those 10 pairs of eyes to spot me, instead of myself, 1 pair of eyes, looking for 10 peoples in the crowds. I know they can do it. And Yes~! They DID IT~!

From left: Derek Lee, Me, Whitney

It's kind of hard to spot me in this video due to the video quality posted here

During the commencement, I totally couldn’t pay attention on all the speeches given. The only thing I have in my mind was, what should I do later or what will happen later when I step out the stage to receive my diploma. Luckily, when our University President was asking the honor students to stand up, I was still conscious enough to stand up automatically. Or else, it will be another joke of the day as people around me will think, “what happen to this girl with three honor cords, she was suppose to stand up! I think she must be dreaming! haha”

Once again, we were asked to face the audiences, and I tried to look for 10 of them again. This time was even worse, because everyone was waving their hands to us. I asked Derek, “Did you see your parents?” Of course his answer was “NO”. Say frankly, we could only see billions of hands in addition to millions of heads. I really surrender to crowds this time.

When its time for presentation of diplomas, we, the graduates, must walked back to the backstage again. An individual picture was taken by the designated photographer on the backstage before we actually receiving the diploma.

The most important moment of the day finally arrived. I passed my name tag to the MC, she did double confirmed with me about the pronunciation, but still, she pronounced my name as Tiao, instead of Teoh. But I think I was lucky enough because she didn’t pronounce it as “Teh Oh”, if not, it will be the 3rd joke of the day.

After my name was read, I step out the stage and start looking for Dr. Duke. I remember he was sitting at the right side, but I couldn’t find him; then I turn my head to the left, I was really shocked by all unfamiliar faces that starring at me. I think I’ve stone on the stage for a while, but after looking back the video taken on that day, I actually didn’t stop but kept walking. (But I felt I stone for quite long at that time).

Look at the right

Look left


I gave up looking for him, and faster received my diploma from the President

And there he is, taking picture at the side

What a funny thing I’ve made! This was the 4th joke of the day~! Soon Han Teoh, stop doing silly thing~!

To view the complete video of the moment I was receiving diploma, click on the “play” below. (Special thanks to Wendy and Henry for taking down all memorable moments for me)

To be continue......