Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Facts to accept

I did mentioned in my previous post about "I can't take any alcoholic drinks anymore"

The reason for that is because I've got a disease called HYPERTHYROIDISM.

There were a lot of symptoms for this disease, but I didn't know that its hyperthyroidism. At first I thought I got Anemia because I will feel dizzy, tired, hand-shake, fast heart-beat (sometimes feels like heart attack) and some other symptoms that make me thought I have Anemia. This situation last for more than a month, and those symptoms became more obvious and serious.

To check out whether I really have Anemia, I had decided to have a full body check-up in hospital, and this should be my first ever body check. Two days before I went to the hospital, I told my parents my actual conditions because I need their advice in which hospital should I go. My mum was thinking much more than me or maybe she have a better understanding and experience on my symptoms. She was suspecting I might have high-blood pressure or diabetes.
My mum advised me to seek consultation from local clinic first before I went to the hospital.

On the 1st day of August, I went to Dr. Ng's clinic (clinic that I normally visit when I was not feeling well) to have some advices from the expert. I told him I have a severe hand-shake, he double checked, (he began to suspect I have hyperthyroidism) and then he checked my blood pressure and heart beat, guess what, my heart beats 138 times per mins. For your information, normal adult heart beat's rate is between 72-80 per mins. I seriously couldn't believe that, and Dr. Ng told me that my heart is going to jump out from my body, even after excercise, normal people's heart also won't beat that fast. Without delay, he told me that he must immediately send my blood to the lab for testing. Things came too sudden, I seriously not prepared to know this. I asked Dr. Ng if I have Anemia or high-blood pressure, he said my blood pressure is very normal.

Things that you expect to happen did not happen, but things that you never thought of it happen suddenly in front of you. This make me believe that, life's really unpredictable, we must appreciate what we have right now.

As planned, I went to Loh Guan Lye Specialist on the next morning. I wanted to ignore what Dr. Ng said yesterday and have normal body check today. But the nurse adviced me to pay attention on my thyroid, and let's see what the doctor will say. I was arranged to meet with Dr. Na, the same procedure as what I did in Dr. Ng's clinic. When he wanted to take my blood again, I told him I had already 'donate' my blood yesterday, and I will get the report on the 5th of August. He said he couldn't do anything at the moment until the test report came out, but if I still worry about it, he can arrange for me the untra-sound scan. Of course, I would take the scanning as I was really curious: what's inside my neck?

Guess What!!?Another surprising fact occured! The ultra-sound's doctor showed me two tumors in my thyroid through the monitor (live); one big one small! and they were moving! I was really shocked to see that, seriously! He didn't tell me what to do with them, but asked me to wait for Dr. Na see what he will say!When I leave the X-ray room, I tried to touch softly over my neck, there's really something moving in it, I can feel it!

After the report was done, I went back to Dr. Na's room again and see what is he going to say about these tumors. Say frankly, he didn't really mentioned anything about my tumors. I asked him, do I need to cut it off, he said no need; I asked him, is it dangerous, he tell me do not worry; I asked him, what types of tumors are they and why are they there, he didn't really answering my questions. Say the truth, his answers made me lost confident to him, or maybe he's very expert, once look at your face and according to your symptoms, he will know how to treat you. But on patient side, he will not be my good doctor. As a patient, I think I have the right to know everything about myself.

I reached Loh Guan Lye on 8.30am; my turn to meet Dr. Na on 9.30am; my turn for untra-sound scanning on 10.30am; wait for the scanning report until 11.30pm; only managed to leave on 12.30pm. I spent the whole morning sitting and waiting in the hospital, and I know this is very normal.

I get my report from Dr. Ng on 5th of August, and was certified that I have hyperthyroidism. Normal people's thyroid hormones is between 64-167, but the report shown that my hormones level was 335! Double of the normal people!

The only things I can do right now is to take pills twice a day! Two types of pills were taken everyday, 6 tablets (per day) of Carbimazole to control the thyroid hormones level, and another 2 tablets of....(don't know the name) to control my heart beat! Dr. Ng told me that I have to keep taking those pills continuously for 2 years, and I have to go back to 'visit' him every month!

Symptoms that I have:
Unable to concentrate
Anxiety and nervousness
Increase appetite
Muscle ache
Intolerance to heat
Weak memory
Severe hand-shake
Shortness of breath
Weight loss
Unable to raise my leg

Things cannot do:
Cannot take any beverage that is too strong such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol drink, etc.
Over stress
Over active

Things must do:
Rest more and control own's emotions
Take more foods which contains of iodine, such as seafood, seaweed, etc.

If you would like to know more about Hyperthyroidism, you can search through Google.... a lot of information is available on the websites now!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September Babies....

September seems to be a very happening month, as many babies were born in this special month.

03/09: Shirlene Lee
07/09: Jojo Looi
09/09: Lai Yng Jiun
16/09: Teoh Huan Jie, my little brother
17/09: Teoh Soon Thing, my cousin
18/09: Teoh Ee Ronn, my cousin
19/09: Cheng Yong Chian, Tan Lynn Say
20/09: Teo Pern Fong, Wen Xin Mo
27/09: Bobo Siow

I guess I did missed out some name on the list, but still....its happening enough...

Happy Birthday to all of you! And all the best in studies n works!

Friday, September 5, 2008


最近一直听到人与人之间的感情问题, 发现其实人的感情实在是很脆弱的。。。



这句话虽然老土了一点,但意义非常的深刻。 现时社会的人,为了追求名利,可以不顾一切,向着目标勇往直前。 所谓的目标,可以是金钱、地位、生活伙伴、荣华富贵等等。在这‘追求’的过程中,失去的往往比获得来的多。没有什么比时间来得珍贵,时间才是我们这一生真正拥有的‘荣华富贵’。‘有得必有失’,在你打拼的同时,失去的可能是自由、娱乐、爱情、亲情、友情等。人人都说,钱是万能!对,钱是万能! 但,话有规定-多少钱才是万能呢?一千万也是钱,一块钱也是钱!那些钱万不万能,在于你如何运用它!一块钱有一块钱的过生活,一千万有一千万的过生活,关键就在---你满足吗?想也知道,人是不会嫌钱多!可以拥有越多越好!就说有一天,你终于拥有取之不尽,用之不绝的钱,拥有庞大的房子,几百部名贵房车。。。试问,你身边又有多少人可以与你分享这一切?走在街上,看见人家拖着一家大小,开开心心的逛街。。。到头来你只得到两个字 : 空虚!!!你,只是一个人,一个人,给你再大的房子,你也只可能霸占房子里面的一个小角落;一个人,给你再多的车子,你也只有一双手!钱,只要能足够一个人的起居饮食,就已经足够了!太多太多,有时候是一种多余,也是一种负担! 同样的,做每一件事情都要适可而止,太极端,反而会弄巧反拙。(比如: 为了身材苗条而极端的减肥,到最后,只会把自己的身体弄坏!让你得到了苗条的身躯,但就失去了原本的健康。严重则失去了自我!如果有机会让你再重来一次,你会选择同样的路还是另一条路?)



