Friday, June 5, 2009
Hardest Decision I have Made for the Day
Well, before I talk about the previous stuffs, please allow me to talk about what I have experienced yesterday.
(For some of you that may not know, I'm working as a Personal Assistant(PA) and Research Assistant(RA) with a Professor in USM since the second week of May. )
Ok, start the story for yesterday which was related to my current job.
In the morning at 9am, when I was ready to depart from my house for work, I received the call from my Prof.. She had asked me a very serious question, and also the question that bother me a lot since the first few days I went for work.
She said, " I just want to double check with you, see whether you're still interested to work as my PA?" A very straight forward question, and also the question that has to be settle immediately, or else, it's going to be unfair to everyone who involve in this case, especially for her. It's hard and it takes time to train a newbie, it doesn't matter the person you train is a smart or stupid. If I said I'm interested at the moment, then after 1 or 2 months, I tell her I'm not interested anymore, this will be a very bad behavior and will leave a bad impression for others, and that's the things that I will definitely not doing, and also not brave enough to do it.
I told her that this is a very tough decision for me and I need some time to think over it.
Actually by that moment, my heart has a very strong feeling that "I'm no longer interested, I cannot continue doing the job anymore, I'm over stress and I deserve something better and easier." But on the other side, I will think "Will I regret in the future if I gave up this opportunity today?"
All the way from my house to USM, I kept struggling between this two decision. It's a very easy question, just YES or NO, why should I have thinking so much. Since I was so suffer, since I dislike the job so much, why don't I just tell them NO. But its very weird, my mouth couldn't come out with this word, "NO", although I have already got an answer in my heart.
When I reach the office, I discuss my problems with her PA that going to leave soon. I think she's the one who understand the most what's happening to me. She used more than an hour to explain to me, to consult me and to talk with me about what she had experienced in the previous years (It's the same as what I have now), what she had learned from the Prof., and etc. Even later when we have lunch together, I still cannot come out with the decision, and I kept asking her opinions about everything.
From morning until afternoon about 2pm, my NO feeling was always stronger than the YES feeling. Until we get back to the office, I sat down, and the Prof. ask me again, "So, Soon Han, what's your final decision?" I was ready to tell her "Sorry Dr., I think I'm not going to continue this job anymore."But, the weird thing happened again, I got no energy and voice to speak out that sentence. Then the Prof. thought that I still cannot come out with the decision, and she began to explain to me, what's my problem with the job, what's my personality, why am I struggling in making this decision.....
She's able to speak out all my feelings without being told by me. In the 1 month trial period, she's able to understand my characteristic through her observation, and through our conversation. The thing I amazed by her the most is, she asked me, "Are you worrying that you're not able to deliver the papers I assigned to you? If that's your only worry, then you don't have to worry about that, I can teach and guide you until you are able to catch up with everything."
Here's the turning point....
After listening to what she said, my mind has started to change from NO to YES. That's the thing, she's able to point out the exact worry I was facing (which myself also not very sure about it), and told me that she will help me to walk through it. She will train me to be tough and strong, and that's what I'm seeking ......the feeling is there. My feeling told me that this person is the one who can change my life...
Some of you might think that, she's just trying to comfort me because she need someone to help her immediately, and hope that by saying those words, I'm able to stay back to work with her. And after I say YES, she will treat me very badly or whatever......
But I trust her, I have a very strong feeling that I trust her...
I know it will be very stressful and difficult to work with her, everyone told me that, even Prof. herself said the same thing, but I believe that I'm able to walk through it...everyone please pray for me, pray for me to walk till the end, and not to give up in the middle.
I also believe that this is the path that God arranged for me, if not, why every time when I was trying to say NO, and I couldn't make it?! I know its too early to say all of these, but once I have made the decision, I will try my very best to walk through it, I really hope I can do it.
And I hope that my floating life is settling down from this point onwards.
Believe it or not, after saying YES, my burden has gone immediately, I can feel that my body became lighter right after the decision has made. (Though the actual weight still remain high la...haha)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
就在上个星期五晚上,当我在追着连续剧《珠光宝气》时,KooiSing 突然sms我,问我睡了吗! 我实在有够久没有和KooiSing联络了,她突然这样sms我,真的让我有点吓到。况且那时候的时间,已是凌晨12点多了。在这样的时间,一个很少联络的朋友突然问“你睡了吗”,不多也不少,就只有那一句。我心里就开始慌了,她应该不会有事吧!然后,就赶快回复她。。。
她告诉我,她刚刚经过Sg. Dua的Highway, 看到很大的火,以及很浓厚的黑烟,当地在发生着很严重的火灾!她知道我们家工厂就在火灾现场附近,所以才sms问我看看我们的厂有没有事。听到这个消息,我就连忙打电话给她,向她问清楚情况。
光华日报- 煤气厂爆炸2死 另2人伤 毁41邻厂
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Good and Bad
Here are the pictures I took, while I was on my way to work....
The same time, but the weather was totally different.
No doubt, the weather on the 20th made me feel very energetic though I was very tired on the night before (We have the 70th birthday celebration with my grandma on 19th's night). That weather become more perfect with the rainbow appeared. I swear, I've never seen a rainbow in the middle of Penang's bridge before. Can you feel the excitement of mine? Once I saw that scene, I took out my hand phone and snap it down in picture immediately (not to forget I was driving on the bridge by that time).
I know seeing rainbow is a very normal scene, but for me, I will feel very excited every time when I see it. Let's me share another rainbow scene with you guys:
The double rainbow and a full rainbow I saw in HangZhou, China
This was a miracle for me...
Ok, let's get back to the weather in Penang.
On the next day morning, the bright and perfect scene has gone. Appeared in front of me was the dark sky and the 'heavy shower'. Though the dark sky made us feel depress, but, I kind of prefer rainy day in Malaysia. Because it could lower down the crazy temperature, and the feeling was just right (Not as cold as what I have in Michigan).
Monday, April 13, 2009
半至一小时对现在的我来说已经是很长的时间了。我每天早上6点起床,出门工作,放工回到家大概旁晚7点,吃一下晚饭、懒散一下,都已经晚上8.30 了!我每晚平均10点鈡上床睡觉!算一算,我好像每天只有一个半小时的时间,做我自己想做的事情。上一下网、check一下email、看一下Facebook、写一下BLOG,时间都过得七七八八了。
我是在说,Facebook 里边的心理测验游戏。它们不是一般的心理测验,而是一些简单又容易被理解的测验游戏!之前就一直看人家在玩,我都把那些人归类为“有空的人”,因为我觉得很无聊!(不是在指任何人哦,如有激怒任何一方,请多多见谅!)想不到现在,我也成了他们的一族!
p/s: 我那累坏的眼睛没有办法再重读了,只好把检查的工作留到下次吧!肯定有很多错字,请多多包涵!
Monday, April 6, 2009
in this special Moo Moo Year...
The 'volatility' make me feel so hard
to tell others... who actually I am
My feelings and emotions went up and down just like the share market nowadays
My thoughts and decisions change faster than the pace of the society
I'm so unpredictable
My mind struggle so hardly whenever it comes to the time for decision making
I have to walk through the 'opportunity cost'
Give up and make scarification
Walk till the end just with the decision that I used to exchange from another one
What a cycle of my life?
How many cycle do I have to go through for the rest of my life?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
张惠妹-2009 STAR TOUR 大马演唱会
看到标题, 相信你也应该知道接下来我将会写什么吧!哈哈!
还记得, 6年前, 也就是2003年的11月。我的婶婶突然心血来潮,说要请我们去吉隆坡看”张惠妹2003年马来西亚演唱会”。那时候我的心情是—“就去凑凑热闹吧,反正我长那么大也没出席过演唱会,去体验一下也不错嘛!”就这样,就跟人走了!哈哈!
说老实的,对于张惠妹。。。一开始我真的对她没有特别的好感。 我认为她的唱歌风格并不适合我。认识我的人都知道,我一向以来都不爱听那些吵吵闹闹的歌曲,而我脑海里的张惠妹却偏偏只会唱这些歌,所以,我并不怎么去留意这个人。一提到说要去看她的演唱会,我也有犹豫了一下,不知道会不会很闷,毕竟我真的不是很认识她,更别说会唱她的歌!
2009的年头,听到广播台和电视台都在宣传这一个STAR TOUR演唱会,心里有痒痒的想要再去一次!有一天,朋友突然来电问我有没有兴趣出席这演唱会,我想都不用想就答应了!朋友还怀疑我,一直问我“真的吗?!”当然是真的啦!!
原本打算买最靠近的, 但所剩下的座位已近不大好了;所以决定买上面一层的!加上15%的折扣,一张票才RM202,真有够值的!
说真的,不知道是因为我工作太累,没时间想那么多,还是什么的。。。一路从北海到吉隆坡,直到进场的前一刻,我都没有特别兴奋的感觉,就很平常心!但一踏入Bukit Jalil Stadium, 我就开始感觉到那种气氛了,看见那庞大的舞台,加上人群、尖叫声、荧光棒、口哨声、纸牌等等。。。我开始期待阿妹的出现了!
还有一首歌,让我发自内心的震撼、崇拜、仰慕她的唱功,就是: 《如果你也听说》。。。再加上那突然变成满天星的舞台,真的是超漂亮,超有感觉!简直就是完美的搭配!
我发现原来很多观众都把当天的演唱会,片段式的录了下来,一一上载在youtube! 只要你打“张惠妹-2009 STAR TOUR 大马演唱会”,一大把的搜寻结果将会显示在你面前!不相信当晚我们是从头尖叫到尾?不相信我们有那么的high?不相信我所说的?就去youtube感受一下吧!(不过看视频,怎样也比不上看现场!^_^)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
In KL now
Interview with one of the recruit company
US Visa Application
Canada Visa Application
Look for opportunities in KL area
and of course, the foods which I'll never miss out whenever I visit KL.
I reached here on Tuesday evening. Let's see what I have completed for these 4 days:
Interview with one of the recruit company- completed, but didn't seems to be successful due to the job's scope and salary.
US Visa Application- In progress, as I'm still waiting for my payment for US Embassy to get through, so that I can make an appointment for interview....this is the most troublesome task which cause me to stay back in KL for another week.
Canada Visa Application- Completed, the visa, under Passport No. column, they fill in my birthdate??!! Is that normal? error? or what? I have tried to call the immigration, but no one was answering my phone, so I also need to wait until next Monday, in order to get thing clear.
Look for opportunities in KL area - there are few vacancies suitable for me, but the only things I worry is How much pay will I get? Is it enough for me to cover my expenses in KL? And how should I explain to my family?
While for the foods, I don't eat so actively anymore like I previously did. There are a lot of reasons behind this, so, just don't talk about it here.
So, you should know what's the conclusion for this entry right?!
The answer is, Nothing was Properly Done.
p/s: I'm too lazy to write about my CNY and some other long stories entry, but I did post some photos and wrote the descriptions in my Facebook. It's like a "story telling photos". Hope you guys don't mind. Hahaha.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I know its hard to find an exact definition, even for myself.
Cares, can be express in different ways for different person, different condition, different relationship and etc.
In my family, we care each other in our hearts, and we will never express it out. I don't know why its so hard for us to care in action or in verbal. We know we love each other so much, but all this time, we were just supporting each other mentally, never, and never face-to-face. Sometimes I was so envy with those who can hugs and holds their parents so lovely.
I never think and never expect that there's a friend who will cry for me, just after reading the status on my Facebook. Not a very close friend, hardly meet up and also hardly talk with each other, and this was how she cares about me. I was so touch and sad when I heard she cried. I was touch because I never think that the words of mine would be so influential to others; I was sad because I never appreciate others who really cares about me. My dear friend, I would like to thank you so much for waking me up. I should have appreciate what I have now, take good care of myself and never let's others who care me get dissapointed. I will put in my heart and tell myself, there's always you at the far end, supporting and caring me all the time.